Service Value System Design

Creating service architectures and defining service frameworks

Setting up governance, process structures and strategic, tactical & operational services

Developing strategic management teams and modernize processes

Gathering, prioritizing and translating business requirements towards the IT organization

Highly experienced on how to create, deliver and support value between the business and IT.

Understanding and having the skills on how to plan, build and integrate different value streams and activities to create, deliver and support IT and digitally-enabled products and services, and relevant practices, methods and tools.

Very able in demonstrating a sound understanding and application of ITIL 4 practices to the creation, delivery and support across support services, the service value systems and value streams.

Understanding and having the know-how in aligning team’s objectives to the organizational strategy.

Drive organizational change and embed a culture of continual improvement creating a learning and improving IT organization with a strong and effective strategic direction.

Able to apply improvements with planning work, decision-making, innovating and improving products with the necessary agility.

Trust is the base for a strong relationship

The right person for the right job is not just about experience or the right certifications. It is also about having matching values and being a good fit with the culture.

As a person and a professional I strongly belief in:

  • shared or mutually recognized goals
  • no-blame cooperation and collaboration
  • continues learning
  • open and transparent communications
  • conflict prevention and mediation
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